"With the environmental issues of the fires, we are always concerned about the potential effects the environment changes might have on our horses. Besides the obvious issue of direct burn injury, there are other potentially harmful effects, mainly from the smoke. Some animals may also suffer from heat injury to the skin that is not as readily apparent as typical burn. People and animals in house or barn fires are at risk for smoke inhalation injury to the lungs, which can be recognized as difficulty breathing and coughing. This can appear similar to pneumonia – as it causes similar severe inflammation in the lungs. A more subtle effect is the milder irritant effect of smoke and dust on the small airways in the lungs, which can result in coughing, increased mucus production, and possibly poor performance. While we hope for relief from the fires, and hope everyone’s animals escape any harm, please contact us if you feel your horse may have some of the indications of smoke inhalation." Fairfield Bain, DVM, MBA, Diplomate, ACVIM, ACVP, ACVECC